
How can a person masturbate without being sinful?

Posted by danilo sunio Saturday, November 14, 2009 0 comments

I heard from a doctor that masturbation is perfectly normal but I also heard its a sin. How can a person masturbate without being sinful. Can they just do it over and over again and apologize and pray to god and be forgiven?


  1. Mosa A says:

    masturbate without being sinful if :-
    + without lusts thought in the others not sin .
    + without bad dream around sex ,not sin .
    + it come by it self in the night sleep ,not sin .
    + while in the toilet without use any things ,not sin .
    + come by the envy of devil because your purity ,not sin.
    other wise it need confession and repent and ask God help through the prayers.and the Church sacraments.

  2. James S says:

    u kno masturbading is healthy?
    dats wat i hurd
    and it makes you look a lot younger if u do it often


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What She Said

Posted by danilo sunio Tuesday, November 10, 2009 0 comments

by Dan Savage

Jessica at Feministing:

While I do believe that virginity is all well and good—my concern is really how women's worth is tied to the concept, not whether or not people have sex—I also think there something to be said for arguing strongly for pre-marital sex.

Because, let's face it—if you're going to commit yourself to someone for (presumably) the rest of your life, it's probably best if you know that you're sexually compatible. I don't think this is particularly radical thing to say; in fact, it seems quite logical to me. But somehow, if you suggest that pre-marital sex is a good and maybe even necessary thing (especially if you say those things while being a feminist) you are an evil, evil whoremaker.

Do I think that people can have perfectly wonderful satisfying relationships without having had sex before making a commitment? Sure, I'm positive that happens often. But considering what a huge role sexuality plays in our lives and relationships... well, I'd rather be super duper positive.


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Every now and then I must succumb to temptation and report on "popular" issues.

In this case, I will console myself with the fact that this is a very important issue outlining the hypocrisy of the religious right:

Carrie Prejean, former Miss California who was fired under scandal, has dropped her lawsuit against pageant officials. Both parties have withdrawn their lawsuits and in an official settlement statement reads, “ Carrie Prejean, Keith Lewis, and K2 productions have dropped their claim against each other and wish each other the best in their future endeavors.” Carrie gets no money other than her attorney fees. The reason, as reported by TMZ, Carrie settled the suit is that the pageant officials were going to release a tape of the lovely Miss California masturbating. Yes it looks like the good Miss Prejean had made a little home movie that got into the hands of pageant officials and she did not want it to go public. On a lighter note, Carrie Prejean will get to keep the money she was given for breast implants and her book will hit the stores soon.

I wonder will the National Organization for Marriage call this a case of persecution against Christians?

Really though, while people are most likely tired of the Carrie Prejean saga, it's important to remember just how quickly the religious right embraced Prejean, making it seem that she was the victim of lgbt persecution rather than the words of just one, albeit highly annoying, lgbt blogger and "personality."

They even went as far as to call her a latter-day Queen Esther.

One wonders what the spin will be on this one?

I think I know: "Carrie Prejean didn't commit a sin because Jesus never said a word about masturbation."


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The Stupjack Amendment: Because Every Sperm is Sacred

Posted by danilo sunio Monday, November 9, 2009 0 comments

I want to propose a new amendment be added during the conference committee when the House and Senate get together to merge the health-care reform bills. I know the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops will love it, since they are officially members of Congress now. Here it is.

All pro-life male members of Congress who ejaculate without the express intent of making a baby will be considered to have had an abortion. (This will include airport-bathroom encounters.) Under this new rule, the male members then must fall in line with the same restrictions to health care as women will have to under the Stupak Amendment. Then starting in 2013, all men in America will be covered under this provision as well.

Remember, sex is for one thing and one thing only. I believe a man has an even greater responsibility than a women does just by the fact that the Congress is made up of mostly men.

Out of the 56 women in the Democratic caucus, only two voted for Stupak. All 17 Republican women voted for it.

What this adds up to is that 97% of the Democrats who voted for the Stupak amendment were male. 90% of the Republicans were male.

I would have to guess that if more than 17% of the congress were women, there would be a little bit less likelihood that women's rights would be so often used as a handy tool to placate neanderthals.

If men want to lead this country in the debate about abortion, then they should show real leadership and take responsibility for their behavior. Are you with me, Bishops? A woman can't just stand around and get pregnant. She needs our seed to be planted in her garden, so why should a woman be held to a higher standard than a man? Is that the democracy and freedom our troops are fighting for?

I'm sure the USCCB will gladly jump on board with this because they are in the sex business and are considered the world's No. 1 experts in that field. They understand better than any living person how a baby is made -- after all, they are Bishops. Imagination is a wonderful thing and can inform and educate people who have never experienced sex. Wow, who knew?


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